Monday, 25 November 2013

copyright letter

Dear Kindinkorner
I am currently studying media for A2 at my college and this year requires for us to make a music video. We would like to use the track “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons and I am hoping you can grant me permission to use this for educational purposes. The final video will be uploaded to a private blog that only students of the college and examiners can access and will be taken down once the project is marked. 
I would like to thank you in advance for your help in this matter and I look forward to hearing from you in due course.
Kind regards

Gus McCulloch,
Shiplake College, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire RG9 4BW, UK.  

This was the copyright letter, i didn't actually write this but Gus from my group, this was to allow us to use the song in our music video to avoid loosing marks or not being aloud to use the song

test shots

After making the dust we set out for some test shot, as you can see in the video we probably should have shot this in a different light however there was no other suitable place to shoot it. The dust wasnt actually let to dry for long enough it was still quite damp and clumpy in the middle however throwing it directly at me you see how the dust sticks well.You ant actually see the dust as well as you can on the black rather than the white, because of this the filming will take place in darker clothing in order to bring out the colours

This is a picture of us testing out paint on the drum.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

how to make holi powder

In our video we are going to be using something that is called Holi Powder, this stuff is used and is most renownley known to be used at a festival know as the 'colourfestival'or the holifestival, it changes location in Europe every year, the last one in 2013 was in London.

We have taken an idea from this. We would like to involve the use of holipowder in our video, do do this we can either buy the powder or actaully make it ourselves. Gus from our group has already done a test run on making the powder which worked very well, the only flaw in it was some of it was still slightley damp therefore, clumped together a bit.
this is a video on how to make holi powder.

 This is icing colour which is used to be put into the cornflower, after 10 minutes it will look like this :-
The doe becomes really hard and rock solid. and becomes very hard to press.

AFter completion we lkeft it to dry for two days until cracks appeared, this is when you can break down the powder into smaller lumps, after this it can be sived, we then heated
the dust in the oven