Thursday, 19 December 2013

first draft and audience feedback

This is the our 1st draft for our video, we have quite a few areas to fix, i have spoken and shown a few people this video and they have told me areas we need to work on,
for instance:-
-stretched sam whilst waving the flag
-improved colour show, when dust is thrown
-same effect on drum every time
timing issues with drum hit and guss singing

we have also done some audience research and got some feedback off them to help improve our video.


in terms of editing a lot has been done throughout the progress so far we are using a number of different editing methods and are also using up to three editing softwares. For instance we use editing for cutting clips, making them last longer (adding slow-motion) making things look different colours, increasing or decreasing brightness, etc there are so many ways of using the word edit and for what it means, editing is when something has been changed or adjusted , we have also been editing using photoshop, coming up with and creating a number of different and new exiting images for our digipacks

Final cut pro

This year we are focusing very much on using final cut pro as our video editing software, we have done this due to the fact that we find final cut pro a lot easier yet still as advanced if not more so than sony vegas, this bit of editing software was stored in same computer so all the editing was done on his mac, together we have worked on using this and are still experimenting with certain effects, and colour adjstments (hue and saturation levels) as we belive that if we increase certain levels we will be able to bring out more of certain colours. when watching our first draft you will see there are areas we are still yet to improve on for instance we are still out of sync on the bit gus sings in front of the light which needs to be fixed.


we actually had a professional photoshop artist come in to teach us and help develop or knowledge and understanding of how to use photoshop, this has been most useful on the progress of our digipacks, it has allowed us to be able to adjust and fit certain images exactly into its border as we can pick the scale length ( one set to us by the teacher )  i think one of the most important tools to grasp on photoshop is the latyers and effects you can bring from setting these layers for instance below i will show you a picture i came up with whilst playing around with an image i pinched off our draft, this could work well in the development of my digipack as it could help contribute to the actually digipack

Monday, 16 December 2013

behind the scenes and setting up

we used this drum, and put cling film over the top of it (to protect the drum from paint and dust) this allowed us to put paint and dust on top of the drum. we then used the drum sticks and tested different camera angles and hit the drum which worked extremely well , people will be able to see it in our draft which will soon be coming up.

gus has also come up with a slideshare of many pictures and also shots of dust on everyone.

Mock digipack ideas

We are thinking of baseing our music video idea around the concept of colour, this is because of ideas we have seen from the likes of holipowder dust and also paint in water which creates a cool affect, i have in actually fact created a photoshopped version from a screen shot i took of this video as an idea for the digipack

below this video shows two different coloured paints going in at the same time, this video doesn't actually show its true affect as we tried the same thing zoomed out but with purple and red which worked a lot better.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

locaation shots

We wiont actually be shooting where we said we will be shooting on our shooting schedule however this will be due to the fact we simply found a better location, it will be in postcome Beech Farm, Salt lane a friend ours house where there is an out building/ farm

below are more location shots, in which we will be buying more props ( catering roll) to use as a back drop as it will go well and help bring out the colour from the dust.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

mock digipacks

This shows all five of our mock didgipacks that we have put into a prezi, we are not actually to sure what we are going to do for our digipack however i do think it will be realted to the name of the song 'radioactive'

Risk assessment

Gus has come up with a slide share that tells us how we should handle and react to a situation that occurs.

Shooting schedule

this is a picture of all of us completing a shooting schedule, we have a laptop open with our shooting schedule so that we can write the shooting schedule accordingly.

This is the shooting schedule complete.


below are 12 of our storyboard sketches, we still have another 24 to get through but this shows the start of the storyboards, and later i will put up a slideshow of our completed storyboards.
below is a completed slideshow of all of our storyboards, we will try to stick to these storyboards however, many of our ideas may not be actually done, this could be due to a change of mind or lack of resources etc.