Thursday, 19 December 2013

first draft and audience feedback

This is the our 1st draft for our video, we have quite a few areas to fix, i have spoken and shown a few people this video and they have told me areas we need to work on,
for instance:-
-stretched sam whilst waving the flag
-improved colour show, when dust is thrown
-same effect on drum every time
timing issues with drum hit and guss singing

we have also done some audience research and got some feedback off them to help improve our video.


in terms of editing a lot has been done throughout the progress so far we are using a number of different editing methods and are also using up to three editing softwares. For instance we use editing for cutting clips, making them last longer (adding slow-motion) making things look different colours, increasing or decreasing brightness, etc there are so many ways of using the word edit and for what it means, editing is when something has been changed or adjusted , we have also been editing using photoshop, coming up with and creating a number of different and new exiting images for our digipacks

Final cut pro

This year we are focusing very much on using final cut pro as our video editing software, we have done this due to the fact that we find final cut pro a lot easier yet still as advanced if not more so than sony vegas, this bit of editing software was stored in same computer so all the editing was done on his mac, together we have worked on using this and are still experimenting with certain effects, and colour adjstments (hue and saturation levels) as we belive that if we increase certain levels we will be able to bring out more of certain colours. when watching our first draft you will see there are areas we are still yet to improve on for instance we are still out of sync on the bit gus sings in front of the light which needs to be fixed.


we actually had a professional photoshop artist come in to teach us and help develop or knowledge and understanding of how to use photoshop, this has been most useful on the progress of our digipacks, it has allowed us to be able to adjust and fit certain images exactly into its border as we can pick the scale length ( one set to us by the teacher )  i think one of the most important tools to grasp on photoshop is the latyers and effects you can bring from setting these layers for instance below i will show you a picture i came up with whilst playing around with an image i pinched off our draft, this could work well in the development of my digipack as it could help contribute to the actually digipack

Monday, 16 December 2013

behind the scenes and setting up

we used this drum, and put cling film over the top of it (to protect the drum from paint and dust) this allowed us to put paint and dust on top of the drum. we then used the drum sticks and tested different camera angles and hit the drum which worked extremely well , people will be able to see it in our draft which will soon be coming up.

gus has also come up with a slideshare of many pictures and also shots of dust on everyone.

Mock digipack ideas

We are thinking of baseing our music video idea around the concept of colour, this is because of ideas we have seen from the likes of holipowder dust and also paint in water which creates a cool affect, i have in actually fact created a photoshopped version from a screen shot i took of this video as an idea for the digipack

below this video shows two different coloured paints going in at the same time, this video doesn't actually show its true affect as we tried the same thing zoomed out but with purple and red which worked a lot better.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

locaation shots

We wiont actually be shooting where we said we will be shooting on our shooting schedule however this will be due to the fact we simply found a better location, it will be in postcome Beech Farm, Salt lane a friend ours house where there is an out building/ farm

below are more location shots, in which we will be buying more props ( catering roll) to use as a back drop as it will go well and help bring out the colour from the dust.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

mock digipacks

This shows all five of our mock didgipacks that we have put into a prezi, we are not actually to sure what we are going to do for our digipack however i do think it will be realted to the name of the song 'radioactive'

Risk assessment

Gus has come up with a slide share that tells us how we should handle and react to a situation that occurs.

Shooting schedule

this is a picture of all of us completing a shooting schedule, we have a laptop open with our shooting schedule so that we can write the shooting schedule accordingly.

This is the shooting schedule complete.


below are 12 of our storyboard sketches, we still have another 24 to get through but this shows the start of the storyboards, and later i will put up a slideshow of our completed storyboards.
below is a completed slideshow of all of our storyboards, we will try to stick to these storyboards however, many of our ideas may not be actually done, this could be due to a change of mind or lack of resources etc.

Monday, 25 November 2013

copyright letter

Dear Kindinkorner
I am currently studying media for A2 at my college and this year requires for us to make a music video. We would like to use the track “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons and I am hoping you can grant me permission to use this for educational purposes. The final video will be uploaded to a private blog that only students of the college and examiners can access and will be taken down once the project is marked. 
I would like to thank you in advance for your help in this matter and I look forward to hearing from you in due course.
Kind regards

Gus McCulloch,
Shiplake College, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire RG9 4BW, UK.  

This was the copyright letter, i didn't actually write this but Gus from my group, this was to allow us to use the song in our music video to avoid loosing marks or not being aloud to use the song

test shots

After making the dust we set out for some test shot, as you can see in the video we probably should have shot this in a different light however there was no other suitable place to shoot it. The dust wasnt actually let to dry for long enough it was still quite damp and clumpy in the middle however throwing it directly at me you see how the dust sticks well.You ant actually see the dust as well as you can on the black rather than the white, because of this the filming will take place in darker clothing in order to bring out the colours

This is a picture of us testing out paint on the drum.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

how to make holi powder

In our video we are going to be using something that is called Holi Powder, this stuff is used and is most renownley known to be used at a festival know as the 'colourfestival'or the holifestival, it changes location in Europe every year, the last one in 2013 was in London.

We have taken an idea from this. We would like to involve the use of holipowder in our video, do do this we can either buy the powder or actaully make it ourselves. Gus from our group has already done a test run on making the powder which worked very well, the only flaw in it was some of it was still slightley damp therefore, clumped together a bit.
this is a video on how to make holi powder.

 This is icing colour which is used to be put into the cornflower, after 10 minutes it will look like this :-
The doe becomes really hard and rock solid. and becomes very hard to press.

AFter completion we lkeft it to dry for two days until cracks appeared, this is when you can break down the powder into smaller lumps, after this it can be sived, we then heated
the dust in the oven

Thursday, 3 October 2013


With this question you can see that the majority do watch the videos, however nearly just as many don't, which means we probably could have done with more answers. 
out of 13 answers 50 cent came up twice this could suggest more people like hip hop, drake also comes up, however there are a mixed amount of genres coming up

i am surprised with the outcome of this, traditionally yes the music is linked with the video however a lot more recently, videos have been seen to be disjunctive i personally would have answered no as i believe sometimes you can pick out a deeper meaning or feeling rather than a physical outcome of something you are just watching.
this isnt actually a very good question as you cant see music in a music video so im surprised people choose this, i think the people that did choose yes to music mean to see the performance in the video 

some of the answers were just inappropriate however there were some good answers, i now think it depend on someone's preferred genre and what the people are like.
7 out of 13 people answered 'Yes' and 2 people answered 'No' and the rest where just different.

Thursday, 26 September 2013


The concept of this is basically a guy trying to get away or go home from a party, but he simply just cant escape it. what they are doing is amplifying the fact that he is dreaming and he cant escape from this dream, this could be seen to match certain ideas from movies such as 51 dates and ground hog day, they have quite similar concepts.

Mise en scene
The mise en scene is has an obvious projection following that of a normal and typical english/american party (with large cups, beer-pong etc) a full house. It follows sterotypical party movie themes in terms of mise en scene, we see a lot of girls, there is music playing etc. The clothing being worn is just the typical average everyday dress, which is quite common to see in movies.

The close ups on his face help us to see his mood, at first we see him looking worried or concerned but as it drags out other close ups suggest that has given up and is just going to carry on enjoying the party or is just bored of trying to run .

The song  itself is quite fast paced, the editing matches this pace to keep the person watching enticed and interested in where the video might be going. The graphic matching is very clever as well and makes it a lot more enjoyable to watch for example this is seen when he goes to sit down on the sofa and instead of falling on the sofa he falls in to a pool, or when he goes to pen the door into his house he opens the door back into the party instead.

through out most of the video we really only capture and follow the person singing through out the song playing both the artist and the character in the music video as close ups or medium shots ,as it is him we a following and seeing throughout the whole video, however there is quite a lot of free hand recording, this could shows us a more POV perspective as if we are someone at the party.


Micheal Shore, In this there is a lot of cliche imagery, this means there isn't anything really that is completely new, we have all seen these party videos before, there are hundreds of other videos just like this. We also see information overload, a lot of information is given to you quickly this could also relate to immediate gratification and simulated experience

In this video we clearly have the narrative however we also have performance clips. There is a light use of commercial exhibitionism as he is trying to sell himself through the use of following onlly him through out the video, the video is also a televised bard as he is telling a story, of ihis dream and how couldnt escape it

Andrew Goodwin's theory can be shown as well star imagery is show as the person acting the video is also seen preforming and singing the song, the repeated words of dreaming are amplified into our head so its clear to us he is trying to tell us he is stuck in a dream

Fall out boy- video analysis

The over all concept of this video is quite hard to establish at first and it could have a variety of different meanings, the video itself is actually part of FOB young blood chronicles which is a small movie on how they end up in the back of 2 chainz vehicle. Personally i believe this video could be showing how hip-hop has overtaken and is now overruling this american pop indie genre. 2 chainz is a rapper and is seen burning fallout boys cds, music equipment etc

In terms of editing it is actually quite unconventional compared to the majority of other fast and up beat music videos, this is seen to be quite slow pased however this editing is done to help match the mise en scene with what is going on. It is clearly illustrative as when the artist says 'need a spark to ignite' 2 chainz lights a match and throws in onto the gasoline. Slow motion is used to help emphasis that fire is big and is burning a lot of equipment and belongings it also  helps show the mood and facial expressions of the women.

Mise en Scene
In terms of mise en scene the setting is extremely dark, the mist helps portray 'darkeness', 2 chainz and the two women are dressed in black which could be to show they work in the darkness or a long side it. The clothing that they are wearing is more conventional to hip hop. The text of ' fall out boy' at the begging of this song is grey and the use of this colour over the video helps bring it out

different shots  used:-

worm view- this is used to help add tension to what may be going on

low angle shot/ medium shot- shows power and shows who is in control and is important

close ups- shows the importance and expressions on certain things here it is the match we also see 2 chainz look at it with passion

long shot- captures both the fire and 2 chainz

medium shot- shows the whole band

illustration is clearlly shown throughout with sayings such as 'ignite' and when this happens we see the fire lighting up

Micheal shores theory's can be seen, shic is shown through things being st on fire, this is shown by how it has been filmed, you can see this in the pictures i have put up

swen carlson - commercial exhibitionist , hip hop 2 chainz being shown and represented

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Bastille- Pompeii video analysis

Genre and concept
Bastilles genre of music is not that easy to give an exact representation of a genre however if i were to pick, i would class it as under pop, or indie pop it follows all conventional and stereotypical pop songs sound however his voice adds a slight indieness to it. The video inst that clear to follow and is more telling a story of how someone feels in there everyday life this can be seen as the concept of the video, we see the artist performing and the artist also living an everyday life. If you look deeper into the concept the people that have black eyes could have had there innocence taken away from them somehow, in the song it sounds as if he is constantly trying to escape something, even if he 'closes his eyes' it could be that he is denying that this has happened to him and he wants to remain the same innocent person with an idealist view on the world, however at the end we see he had come to turns with it and he himself has black eyes. The song talks about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Mount Vesuvius is a volcano near the bay of Naples in Italy. which erupted years ago, the volcano buried the ancient city of Pompeii under a think layer of volcanic ash. and was hence abandoned, the black eyes could be a representation of the volcanic ash that got up with people, and he himself try’s to escape it.

A number of diffrent camera shots are used in this video, there is the use of of panning with the man running away , but there are also the likes of extreme long shots which help us see that he doesn't feel part of society and that he may not fit in. We have free hand shots to show an edge to what is happening 
the camera really just follows him and his every move but in a way that shows his worry etc. We also see the use POV when he sees the peoples black eyes.

In the second second screen shot we are faced with an emotionless faced man with a medium shot, this helps us realize he is un happy with the way things are, and that he doesn't know where his life is really going, this is below the text. this could relate to his sadness because of his loss (Pompeii) here you can see his eyes are still not black.

In this shit is huge now getting clear that it is a representation of the lost city of Pompeii, it has been abandoned with a lot of rubbish around.The town its self here looks like Detroit which really is a defeated old town with very few people living there now.

Mise en scene
The mise en scene in this video is very bland and dark up until the end, the clothes he is wearing are dark colored and pretty normal, he actually suits the environment around him and blends in with it, even though very little people are around, the area that it has been filmed is very empty and run down as you can see in the above picture

the editing in this video is quite slow, with a lot of jump shots and random pictures of still life, there is no serious editing involved in the video but at the begging there is a hint where we can see a bit of blureed fading in the horizon to ring out the man acting in the video who also happens to be the artist.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Video Analysis Eminem- What am I

Genre and concept
The genre of Eminem’s music fits entirely in with hip hop, with the use of rhyming in his lyrics, but in this video you can see he shows this in a very un conventional way, hip hop usually illustrates the artist bling and money however this video is shown as a comic, and is being shown as more of a comedy. The concept is that of a comic, Eminem takes on the role as a hero saving naughty boys from becoming bad; however this could be seen as slightly controversial as is in the car we can see Eminem groping his private regions. This shows the more hip-hop side of with an attitude towards certain things.

The shots that we are seeing throughout this video are all many of the artist and his co-workers (dre). Many of the performers that we see are in fact played by the artist himself. He takes on all sorts of different roles in this video as you can see in the picture but he also takes on the role of, a man in a tv series, a fat person and a lady as you can see in the picture. 

The camera makes direct contact with every role he plays, usually as close ups. The camera in this video actually helps us see him preforming and telling the story to this song. We can see a more conventional hip-hop slim shady preforming and telling the story of the song with the scenes that relate back to what he is wearing here and how he is preforming (conventional dancing, stereotypical baggy clothes) in this picture you can see him telling the song as a rapper.

Mise en scene
This plays an important role in this video, you can tell immediately how it is used to help promote different aspects of the video and see how he wants us to capture it. With mise en scene we can see whether he is trying to show us the more comic side of things with the speech bubbles, this helps us see how Eminem is trying to relate back to him being a superhero. In the begging Eminem wakes up in bed with two girls in what looks like quite a luxurious bed and gown, this I think has been taken from the comic side of batman and how he is rich but still bothers fighting against evil.This again shows how costume has played a very important role, and also scenery.   


Through out the video it is clear where we are and what we are seeing this can be shown through lighting, here you can see how Eminem is lying in a hospital bed, the lighting is dull with a red marbled tone, the red helps portray pain, so it is clear we are seeing someone who is not 100%. .

Links to other texts
In nearly every scene you can see how it has been linked to all sorts of texts, with pictures I have already put up you can see that he has taken roles of text such as reality TV shows, hospital dramas, comic books, comic tv series, and many more that will tie in with comedy movies and horrors.

These are all examples of inter-textual reference with ideas that have been taken from other videos and shifted into his own.

The editing actually takes on a conventional hip hop movement in the scene that the video has a fast pace, however it has been shown quite differently. The editing has taken a crucial role in this video as you can see in the pictures I have shown the speech bubbles inside comic like boxes


In this video Eminem we can see how Andrew Goodwins theory  is shown, the video has a lot of direct illustration, Eminem is telling a story and the video ties in very well with what is being shown in the clips. For example the lyrics say jump start your heart, and in this picture you can clearly see that this is exactly what is happening.